OPINION – 12 piece of profitable business advice that could make you rich

Business success is best achieved when you are clear about the goal but flexible about the process of getting there

By Aniekeme Finbarr

1. Don’t compete on price, compete on quality. The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the pleasure of low price has been forgotten.

2. It must be clear what the product is uniquely suited to do and for whom the product is designed. Products that try to be all things to all customers end up being nothing to no one.

3. Action without planning leads to failure. Planning without action leads to stagnation. You need both.

4. There is never enough time to do everything, but there is always enough time to do the most important things. Learn to prioritize.

5. Even a simple product can be sold and served with cheerfulness and courtesy, thereby increasing its perceived value.

6. Business success is best achieved when you are clear about the goal but flexible about the process of getting there.

7. We’re living in the best time of human history. The free market enables a man to start with nothing but an idea, backed by energy and ambition, and build a great business.

8. Separate facts from problems. Don’t spend money and energy on the things that you can’t do nothing about.

9. A company should be able to summarize what makes its product or service unique and better in twenty-five words or less.

10. A commitment to product or service excellence is the safest and most predictable strategy for achieving business success. Because companies with high quality ratings can charge more and earn more per sale.

11. Selling a high-quality item, without defects, actually saves money and boosts profits, both in the short term and in the long term.

12. Continuing improvement is essential to survival, regardless of what industry you’re in.

BONUS: You are only as free in life as the number of well developed options you have available to you. Develop multiple income streams.

* Finbarr is a life coach and public speaker.

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