Cerebral Palsy Management: Seizures

I have always had what I now know to be ‘absence seizures’. They are characterized by staring into space and not responding to the enviroment for up to 1 minute at a time

By Tobiloba Ajayi

A seizure is a sudden, uncontrolled burst of electrical activity in the brain. It can cause changes in behaviour, movements, feelings and levels of consciousness.

The are popularly known in Nigeria as convulsions, but convulsions are just the most dramatic type of seizures that exist.

Seizures are VERY common in Cerebral Palsy, and more than half of people with Cerebral Palsy will have a seizure in their lifetime.

There are varying types and severities of seizures. Most seizures last from between 30 seconds or less to 2 minutes maximum.

Any seizure that lasts up to 5 minutes is a medical emergency and should be treated as such.

I have always had what I now know to be ‘absence seizures’. They are characterized by staring into space and not responding to the enviroment for up to 1 minute at a time, that can be eaisly passed off as inattentiveness- @ehimeayeni, @oluyemisikehinde, any bells yet?

Symptoms of seizures include:

Temporary confusion.

A staring spell. (This is me)

Jerking movements of the arms and legs that can’t be controlled.

Loss of consciousness or awareness.

Cognitive or emotional changes.

Causes of seizures include:

A high fever. When this happens, the seizure is known as a febrile seizure.

An infection of the brain. This may include meningitis or encephalitis.

Severe general illness, including a severe infection of COVID-19.

Lack of sleep.

Low blood sodium.

Certain medicines that treat pain

A new, active brain injury, such as head trauma.

Sometimes the causes of seizures are not known.

Treatments for seizures range from Medications, to diet and in extreme cases, surgeries.

Not every person who has one seizure will have another one, and minor seizures like absence seizures usually do not need any treatment, except to avoid triggers.

Dear Parent of a Child with Cerebral Palsy, if your child has a seizure, what they have is a treatable medical condition.

They do not have a demon or evil spirit that needs to be cast out of them.

Seizures are not the end of the world, and your child with Cerebral Palsy can live a full life with them.

Watch out for Part 2!

* Ajayi is an advocate for inclusive education for children living with cerebral palsy.

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