Police arrest suspect in Anambra over plot to assassinate US Army veteran

The evil-person again issued another threat that he would not only kill him, but, would set his home at Nnobi ablaze

A team of detectives from the Force Headquarters of the Nigeria Police Force, NPF, Abuja, has arrested one Mr. Peter Chijioke Okaa, a native of Nnobi, Idemili -South LGA of Anambra state in connection with a plot to abduct and assassinate a veteran of the United States of America, US, Army, Mr. Bonaventure Ezekwenna who incidentally hails from the same Nnobi town.

Mr. Okaa who is said to be a “self-acclaimed chief priest and popularly known as”ikonso”, “ezeudo” and “ezemmo” was arrested following a petition to the Inspector -general of police, IGP, by the US army veteran, Mr. Bonaventure Ezekwenna wherein he alleged threat to his life; threat to commit arson in his Nnobi house, instigation of authorities against him, conspiracy to frame him up with false, malicious and trump up allegations at Zone 13 police command, Ukpo on a matter already before the Court, and, intimidation with intent to extort money from him dated 16th November, 2023.

Mr. Ezekwenna in his petition, a copy of which was obtained by this reporter also fingered some officers at the police Zone 13 command, Ukpo, and, Onitsha Correctional Centre, Anambra state as accomplices in the plot to abduct, and, assassinate him.

Reliable sources with the police formation revealed that Mr. Okaa was picked up by officials from Force Criminal Investigation Department, FCID, at his home in Nnobi, and, was first taken to the Nnobi police station, and, from there transferred to the police Zone 13 command, Ukpo, for prosecution by the legal department of the zone.

When contacted, the zone 13 command public relations officer, ZPRO, superintendent of police, SP Josephine Ihunwo simply said “the case is being handled by the Force Headquarters, that is all I can tell you”.

Meanwhile, Ezekwenna who in his petition to the IGP, written on his behalf by his lawyer, Mr. J. O. Okakwu of Orator Legal Practitioners narrated that his ordeal started on Sunday, August 20, 2023, when he received two text messages on his mobile phone from unknown person using two different phone numbers.

He stated that the person introduced himself as “assassin”, and, that he had been paid the sum of N500,000, to assassinate him. Ezekwenna said that the self-acclaimed assassin had demanded that he should pay him the sum of N250,000 so that he would not execute the contract against him, and, even promised to reveal the person who hired him if he paid him the N250,000. He said that the so-called hired assassin had given him till 12noon of that fateful August 20, 2023 to pay him, warning him that he already knew every details about him, including where he lives, and, his movements.

Ezekwenna narrated further that when he ignored all the threats and entreaties from the purported assassin, the evil-person again issued another threat that he would not only kill him, but, would set his home at Nnobi ablaze, and, also kill all his family members since he has proven to be “stubborn”.

Ezekwenna narrated further that he later reported the matter to the Department of State Services, DSS, Awka, Anambra state command who eventually traced the his callers to the Onitsha Prisons where Beninoire, Mr. Claude Gounou Aloukou, but, who introduced his name as “Oluwafemi Salako” is being remanded in connection with a case in Chief Magistrate Court, Nnobi, Idemili -South LGA, charge No. MIG/12C/2023 , bothering on giving false information to the Inspector -general of police against Mr. Bonaventure Ezekwenna. Mr. Okaa according Ezekwenna is also a co-defendant along with Salako in the matter.

Ezekwenna in his petition told the IGP that Salako and officials of the Onitsha Prisons were the only persons who knew him in that prison and that Mr. Okaa had been a regular visitor to the prison because Salako besides being his errands boy belonged to his alleged deadly cult yahoo+ group. He alleged that the cult group operated a hide out named “Udo Queens Hotel, Amichi in Nnewi-South LGA alleging further that sometime in 2022 police arrest Mr. Okaa in connection with the mysterious death of one Azubuike Nwokolo aka Zubby More in Udo Queens Hotel whose private parts were found harvested.

Ezekwenna further stated that he was later to receive another threat text message on Saturday September 16, 2023, and, a purported police invitation emanating from police Zone 13 command, Ukpo, issued by O/C ZIB inviting him to the command on allegations bothering on attempted murder, violence and criminal trespass.

He said that the invitation which was extended to him via his WhatsApp platform was addressed to one “Bonaventure Eze Ogbonna”, when his real name is “Bonaventure Ezekwenna”.

He stated that his assailants probably co-opted some unscrupulous officers at the police zone 13 command Ukpo to lure him to come to the command so that on his way to the command, they would abduct him, and, take him away and kill him.

Ezekwenna in his petition on his behalf by his lawyer had reminded the IGP that “there are 2 ongoing cases against Mr. Peter Chijioke Okaa and Mr. Olufemi Salako (aka, Claude Gounou Aloukou) at Chief Magistrate Court, Nnobi with Charge No. MIG/12C/2023 between COP v Chijioke Peter Okaa and Mr. Olufemi Salako, where our client (Mr. Bonaventure Ezekwenna) is the nominal complainant in the criminal case, while he is the plaintiff in the civil case in suit No. HID/108/2023, at the High Court, Oba, Anambra state.

“It is our client’s believe that these threats to assassinate him, his family members and false allegations at Zone 13 are all attempts by Mr. Peter Chijioke Okaa and Oluwafemi Salako to intimidate him from his quest for justice in their crimes and violation against his fundamental human rights”, the petition read further.

It was authoritatively gathered that the Force Headquarters after a thorough investigation into Mr. Ezekwenna’s petition coordinated by a Deputy Inspector -general of police during which some officers at the police Zone 13 command Ukpo were interrogated, the Force Headquarters had given stern order to the police Zone 13 command Ukpo, legal department to do a diligent prosecution of the matter to ensure that justice was done.

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