Anniversary: Alia expresses resolve to stand with Benue masses

What we are doing in this administration is for no single individual, rather, it is for the entire Benue masses

Benue State Governor Rev. Fr. Hyacinth Alia, has restated resolve of his administration to stand with the masses no matter attacks from whatever quarters, following the goodwill he has received during and after elections and now in government.

Governor Alia who made the declaration when he spoke to the people on the occasion of his one year in office, also revealed that his administration has equally resolved to work for the good of all Benue citizens irrespective of status.

“What we are doing in this administration is for no single individual, rather, it is for the entire Benue masses who have shown our government a lot of goodwill and so much support.

“We, like Oliver Twist, will continue to ask for more support while on our part, we promised to keep the tempo” Alia assured the people, urging them to hold him accountable and promised that he would continue to do the will of people.

The governor assured that he would continue to belong to the constituency of the masses, the oppressed, the poor and the voiceless, attributing his giant strides within one year in office to the support he has received from the masses and promised to maintain the tempo.

He equally dedicated his landmark achievements within the one year of his administration to the masses who overwhelmingly gave him their votes, assuring the downtrodden that anyone who would stand on his way for the people would not be accommodated in his government and called for the masses continued support to enable him reach the desired destination.

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