Tinubu attracted foreign investments, reduced inflation in first year – SGF Akume

The government has implemented significant economic reforms aimed at stabilising our economy and fostering sustainable growth.”

George Akume, the secretary to the government of the federation, says Nigeria has witnessed significant strides in various sectors in one year of President Bola Tinubu’s government.

Mr Akume stated this on Wednesday in Abuja at the ministerial press briefing to mark the first anniversary of Mr Tinubu in office.

The SGF said, “Through prudent fiscal policies and strategic investments, the Nigerian economy has shown resilience and potential for growth. The president has declared his unwavering commitment to unleashing Nigeria’s full economic potential by focusing on job creation and access to capital for small and large businesses.

“Other areas of priority by the administration are inclusiveness, the rule of law, and the fight against hunger, poverty and corruption for the good of the people.

“It is therefore imperative that the public is made aware of such commitments, as well as the programmes and projects being pursued by the government,” he said.

Mr Akume reiterated that the country’s economy under President Tinubu had shown resilience and potential for growth within his one year in office.

He added that the government was also poised to unveil measures to positively change the trajectory of the current Nigerian economy.

Mr Akume said Mr Tinubu’s commitment to enhancing the nation’s infrastructure was evident in the completion and execution of numerous projects.

He listed some such projects, including the extensive road networks, improved rail systems, and the modernisation of the ports, which he explained were vital for boosting trade and connectivity.

“From the outset, President Tinubu’s administration set forth an ambitious agenda focused on economic revitalisation, social inclusion, and infrastructural development.

“The government has implemented significant economic reforms aimed at stabilising our economy and fostering sustainable growth. Key among these is the introduction of policies that have attracted foreign investments, reduced inflation, and boosted job creation across various sectors,” Mr Akume explained.

He said the briefing offered an opportunity to reflect on the journey Mr Tinubu’s administration embarked upon about a year ago and to share the progress made under the president’s leadership.

Mr Akume said Nigerians would also be acquainted with the giant strides taken within the first year of the present Administration.


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