It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation

By Dr. Uchechukwu Ogah

Action begets results but inaction is anathema. Show me a great or successful person and I will show you a person who by sense of responsibility, devised several ways of doing things after failing several times before getting it right.

They never passed up the chance to learn from any mis-step. They charted their own course and established their own uniqueness and did not strive to mirror another person’s approach. They discovered their own answers to every of their endeavours and did not copy someone else’s manuscript. Their uniqueness stands out because they don’t imitate, rather, they initiate.

A person’s originality mirrors their readiness to take calculated risks and to garner lessons and experiences therefrom; the taking of complete ownership of their responsibility reveals how one answer can be derived in various ways. Even if they fail, the insight and lessons derived are precious than inaction.

To fail in originality demands that you quit talking and start doing. To fail in originality requires that you were busy cementing the essence of your uniqueness rather than being a victim of bandwagon effect. Any failure encountered in the process is termed a springboard which helps you to face whatever challenge in the future. Your originality points at you individually and searches for works or attainments traceable to you. Yes, you!

To fail in originality is more precious than imitating another person and losing your uniqueness or essence in the process. Your originality demands that you should be known for something. Your originality demands that you endeavour to stand out at all times. Your originality warrants that your works speak for you.

You devise and confirms your originality. It is ok that you failed establishing your originality than to wallow in inaction which is the same thing as imitating another person.

Have a great Monday!

*Dr. Ogah is the Minister of State for Mines and Steel Development.

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