Pope Francis apologises for gay slur

 Pope Francis issued an extraordinary apology on Tuesday for using a vulgar gay slur in a…

Nigeria Catholic Bishops reject Pope’s stance on same-sex marriage

Catholic Bishops in Nigeria have rejected the position of Pope Francis on the blessing of same-sex…

Pope praises ‘wise, tender’ Benedict at solemn burial

Pope Francis has joined pilgrims in St Peter’s Square to preside over the funeral of his…

Religion plays key role in search for peace – Pope 

Pope Francis says religion endangers security and harmony between peoples in comments at the opening of…

Pope meets Lesbos migrants, ends Mediterranean trip defending refugee rights

Pope Francis arrived on the Greek Island of Lesbos on Sunday, where he shook hands, spoke…

Letter addressed to Pope sent to Vatican with three bullets inside

Italian police are investigating a disturbing death threat addressed to Pope Francis. Law enforcement in Milan…

Pope meets Iraq Shiite cleric Grand Ayatollah Sistani

Pope Francis extended his hand to the world’s Shiite Muslims on Saturday, meeting top cleric Grand…

Pope’s personal doctor dies from Covid-19 complications

Pope Francis’ personal doctor, Fabrizio Soccorsi, has died as a result of “complications due to Covid,”…

Pope scraps public Angelus prayer amid COVID precaution

Pope Francis on Saturday did not deliver his message before thousands of pilgrims, as in the…

Pope reacts to sexual abuse report against US Cardinal

Pope Francis on Wednesday briefly reacted to a report on the Vatican’s investigation of sexual abuse…