Pope Francis apologises for gay slur

 Pope Francis issued an extraordinary apology on Tuesday for using a vulgar gay slur in a…

Amotekun arrest 2 suspected gay in Ondo

Ondo State Security Network, Amotekun Corps have arrested two men caught having sex. The duo, Seyi…

We won’t allow you turn Nigeria to haven for gays, Runsewe to Bobrisky

    The Director-General of the National Council for Arts and Culture (NCAC), Otunba Olusegun Runsewe,…

God will deliver my gay son, Doyin Okupe prays

    Ex-Presidential Spokesman to former Presidents Olusegun Obasanjo and Goodluck Jonathan, Dr. Doyin Okupe, has…

You are a hypocrite, Charly Boy’s daughter blasts him over lesbian post

Dewy Oputa, Charly Boy’s last daughter, has lashed out at the controversial singer, saying he is…