Sokoto students beg for provision of furniture, laboratory

You must support and encourage female education so that the female population participates in developing Nigeria

In continuation of its dialogue on empowering adolescent girls and young boys to increase retention, transition and completion of schools in Sokoto State, UNICEF undertook to visit some secondary schools in three selected local governments.

At Government Girls Day Secondary School Runjin Sambo, the students when contacted said majority of the classes lack adequate furniture while in some classes there was none.

In a related development, the science students of the same school complained that they have no laboratory where they can learn the act of mixing and combining chemicals to achieve results.

At Chiroma Bello Day Secondary School, the principal of the school, Malan Garba Muhammad, explained that education of youths is one field that greatly move the state and the country forward.

“This predicament is more notorious in the northern part of the country where there is the traditional belief that woman is best for home keeping and therefore it is a waste of time and resources to send females to schools”, the principal lamented.

He said, “If you are among the conservatives who despite the forces of civilization discourage education to be accessible to all genders, you must get yourself prepared to take the blame, for partaking in making our development process slow.

“What I mean is you must support and encourage female education so that the female population participates in developing Nigeria”.

While at Government Girls Day Secondary School Runjin Sambo, Hajiya Balaraba Muhammad, complained of insecurity, lack of furniture in the over 30 classrooms, inadequate science laboratory apparatus and host of other things lacking that hampers smooth provision of education to students.

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