TRIBUTE: Celebrating Dr. Tony Onyima

Although I only worked with Chief Dr. Tony Onyima for a year before he left the government, those were very exciting times

By Chief Uche Nworah, Ph.D

Today is the birthday of my Oga, Chief Tony Onyima, Ph.D, (Ife Idemili), former Commissioner for Information in Anambra state and former Managing Director of Sun Newspapers.

Anytime I see him, I say to him, ‘Once a boss always a boss’. This is because he was my first boss during our time serving Ndi Anambra. When I was the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Anambra Broadcasting Service (ABS), I reported directly to him. It was on the strength of his recommendation to the former Governor, Chief Willie Obiano, that I made the shortlist of 2 candidates following a nationwide competitive search and recruitment process organized by Mac Atasie’s Nextzon Consulting.

It was Patrick Okigbo of Nextier Consulting (Ekenweofia Ojoto) who first sent the vacancy advertisement for the position of MD/CEO of Anambra Broadcasting Service (ABS) to me and encouraged me to apply. This was in 2014 when Chief Willie Obiano was newly inaugurated as Governor of Anambra state. At the time, I was working for Globacom as a General Manager responsible for Out-of-Home Media and Advertising. Coming to work in Anambra state then was the last thing on my mind. However, with Okigbo’s repeated nudge, I sent in my CV and followed through the application and interview process.

Shortly after applying, I received an invitation via email to appear before the selection panel in Awka. I didn’t know how to feel about this development at the time being that I wasn’t keen on the job. However, I spoke to a few people including my wife and they all encouraged me to attend.

I appeared for the interview as scheduled, at the office of Chief Tony Onyima, Ph.D, who was the Commissioner for Information. It was my very first time of meeting Chief Dr. Onyima. I remember also that the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry, Mrs Beatrice Okonkwo was a member of the panel, likewise the Nextzon team and others that I cannot now remember. As I sat before them in my Hugo Boss suit, Pringle red socks, TM Lewin tie, Calvin Klein belt and black brogues shoes which I bought at Russel & Bromley, Oxford street, London, I felt out of place. As someone who was working in Victoria Island, Lagos and lived in Lekki Phase 1, being in that Jerome Udoji Secretariat environment with its dingy staircases and dark offices wasn’t particularly appealing. It seemed to me like a serious career downgrade. I didn’t know then that God had bigger plans for me.

I went back to Lagos the next day after the interview session and would shortly receive another invite to appear again before the panel. This time, I was informed that I had made a three-man shortlist. I honoured the invitation and it was at the second session that things moved on quickly. The Governor we were told was very much interested in getting the ABS project off the ground and needed to appoint an MD/CEO quickly. Serious lobby was also mounting from within the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), the church and from other sources to force the Governor’s hand in appointing someone that will be loyal to these various interest groups. Staff of ABS also had their own idea that the next MD should come from within the organization and were also mounting their own lobby and campaign.

Subsequently, the shortlist was reduced to two and we were driven at night the same day to Aguleri to meet with the Governor. In my session with Governor Obiano, he asked me among other questions what I will do differently if given the job. I shared my ideas and vision with him. He kept nodding his head throughout while also checking me out. I felt as if his eyes were piercing through my soul to find out if indeed I would deliver on my promises. It was my first time ever of meeting Governor Willie Obiano.

I went back to my job in Lagos and almost forgot about the whole thing until weeks later, when Chief Dr. Onyima called me and invited me to his home in the Anthony Village area of Lagos. It was a breakfast meeting. After breakfast, we chatted about a whole lot of things, life, career, working in government etc. Little did I know that he used the whole two hours I spent with him that morning to psychologically prepare me for the bombshell he was about to drop. Chief Dr. Onyima went on about the importance and benefits of public service, why we should sometimes leave our comfort zones and come home to serve. He supported his argument by mentioning opportunities for community, state-wide and national recognition if one excels in service.

This would later prove to be true. I received countless awards and honours from various organizations during my 8 years of service as MD/CEO of Anambra Broadcasting Service (ABS). The three that clearly stand out for me are the sole recognition by Governor Willie Obiano himself, the government of Anambra state and the federal government. In 2019, Governor Obiano invited me to a state EXCO meeting and presented me with an ‘Award of Commendation’ on behalf of Anambra state government for ‘dedication and sterling performance’ as MD/CEO of Anambra Broadcasting Service (ABS), the first and only public servant in Anambra state to be so honoured.

I was also among those that Anambra state government honoured on Wednesday, 9th March, 2022, at the International Convention Centre, Awka, with the 2nd highest state honour, as ‘Anambra State Distinguished Commander’, for services to the people of Anambra state.

In 2020, I became a Federal Government of Nigeria/Presidential awardee, and recipient of the National Productivity Centre, Federal Ministry of Labour and Employment Public Service Leadership and Productivity Award.

That morning in his home, Chief Dr. Onyima eventually summoned the courage and gave me my employment letter as the MD/CEO of Anambra Broadcasting Service (ABS) signed by the Secretary to the State Government, His Honour, Oseloka Obaze. There was no excitement from me after I received the letter from him because the part that stated the monthly salary was enough to make one depressed for a year.

I showed the letter to my wife when I got home but surprisingly, she was calm and said that we should pray about it. She was the one that convinced me to accept the job and accepted at the same time the financial and other challenges accepting the job will bring to the family including living distances apart etc. To mitigate the financial shortfall, she suggested that the family moves back to London which they did.

Although I only worked with Chief Dr. Tony Onyima for a year before he left the government, those were very exciting times. He was a staunch supporter and believer in my dreams for the organization. Being a ‘Lagos boy’ himself, he aligned with our ABS brand repositioning vision and secured all required approvals for us. It was during his watch that the state government began the process of modernizing and digitizing ABS. We also worked on several other projects together including ‘Ozoemezina -The Biafra War Dead Memorial Event etc.

As a boss, Chief Dr. Onyima doesn’t breathe down your neck and doesn’t micromanage. If you are able to convince him with your big ideas, he will leave you to it trusting in your ability with your team to deliver. He will make input where required and enable the process. Chief Dr. Onyima likes taking the back seat. This is true to his humble nature. He is a man of great intellect and impeccable character, leader and scholar. A worthy and proud son of Umuoji in Anambra state, Nigeria.

Happy birthday my Oga, Ife Idemili, once a boss always a boss.

* Nworah is a former Managing Director of the Anambra Broadcasting Service.

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