Synod condemns attack on farmers, backs open-grazing ban

The synod also urged president Tinubu to collaborate with Governor Hyacinth Alia to do more by intensifying efforts to strengthen the security architecture in the state

Leadership of the All Nations Evangelism Ministries worldwide has expressed sadness over the brutal murder of six of her members in Gwer West Local Government Area of Benue State by suspected Fulani herdsmen/bandits and condemned the act in strong terms.

The condemnation contained in a communique made available to journalists weekend in Makurdi, after the third quarter synod of the ministry held during the Word of Faith Ministers Convention at Faith Cathedral Makurdi, Chairman of the synod, Rev. Dr. Yimam Orkwar, viewed efforts of the Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to enact a law to address the prolonged conflict between farmers and herdsmen as the only panacea to the crisis, describing the move as welcome development.

He said synod suggested that a ban on open-grazing and provision of ranches and establishment of a commission to regulate and control of cattle business is long overdue, advising that the assignment be handled with every sense of patriotism, equity and fairness and called on well-meaning Nigerians to support the present efforts of the Senate.

According to the communique, synod appealed to government at all levels to as a matter of urgency look into the condition of over 2million Benue indigenes currently living in Internally Displaced Persons, IDPs camps in several local government areas of the state, as well as other Nigerians who are suffering under similar conditions, adding that these set of people have been in very difficult living conditions in the last seven or more years.

The synod also urged president Tinubu to collaborate with Governor Hyacinth Alia to do more by intensifying efforts to strengthen the security architecture in the state, arguing that infrastructural development would only be meaningful when citizens are alive to enjoy them.

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