Nestle professionals empower hundreds of food vendors in Sokoto

We aim to make more possible by uplifting the local food industry, promoting entrepreneurship, and creating a positive impact in communities

In continuation of its initiative to boost the local economy among food vendors across the country through the business of food workshops, the Nestle Professionals took their efforts to Sokoto.

The empowerment program has transformed and equipped hundreds of food businesses with essential skills and knowledge to enhance their businesses to increase their income.

The Business Manager of Nestle Professionals, Mrs. Funmi Osineye, in her address said they are thrilled to bring the business of Food Workshop to Sokoto as they recognized that business of food extends beyond preparing delicious meals but also involves a focus on nutrition, pricing, presentation, taste and hygiene.

Funmi said their main goal is to support food vendors of all sizes by providing them with the knowledge and tools derived from their global insights and local experience, hence they are confident it will foster lasting change and growth within the local food vendors community.

She added that one of the highlights from the training session was a masterclass by Chef Faridah Musa on the preparation of Masa and Miyan Taushe, a dish that embodies the essence of northern Nigerian culinary traditions, offering a taste of tradition, history, and community.

The event also featured an exciting cooking competition where the teams— ‘Chicken’ and ‘Star’—competed to create the best native Jollof spaghetti dish.

Mrs. Osineye assured participants that Nestlé Professional remains committed to supporting the growth and success of food vendors in Nigeria. “We aim to make more possible by uplifting the local food industry, promoting entrepreneurship, and creating a positive impact in communities.”

Nestlé Professional is the out-of-home arm of Nestle and it focuses on providing innovative, high-quality food and beverage solutions to the out-of-home, or foodservice, industry in Nigeria.

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