FG to establish military camp at Sabon-Birni in Sokoto

Gobir used the opportunity to announce that the contractors handling the construction of Tsululu road in Sabon Birni would relocate to the site for the completion of the project

A military camp will be established in one of the three towns experiencing frequent banditry attacks in Sokoto state.

The towns mostly affected by banditry, kidnapping and other ill vices are Burkusuma, Dama and Magira.

State Deputy Governor Alhaji Idris Muhammad Gobir announced this while addressing a gathering at Sabon Fegi in Sabon Birni town.

Alhaji Idris Gobir said consultation to that effect has reached an advanced stage.

This he said would seriously check the frequent attacks being carried out by bandits in the area.

The Deputy Governor’s Director of Press, Garba Muhammad, in a statement made available to our correspondent in Sokoto said the Deputy Governor implored people of Sokoto East Senatorial District to shun fabricators of stories and rumour mongers of security issues in the area whom he described as unpatriotic and called on them to remain patriotic and united as well as security conscious in the fight against banditry.

He reiterated the commitment of Governor Ahmad Aliyu-led administration in the fight against banditry.

Gobir used the opportunity to announce that the contractors handling the construction of Tsululu road in Sabon Birni would relocate to the site for the completion of the project.

He commended the people for their continued support to the government.

In their separate remarks, the Sole Administrator of Sabon Birni local government Alhaji Garba Umar Kaba and his Isa local government counter part Alhaji Isah Muhammad Dandela said significant success was being recorded in the fight against banditry in the zone.

According to them, this has contributed in the reduction of the number of banditry attacks and similarly called for the sustenance of the efforts

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