Ex-AGF Aondoakaa urges politicians to always give back to the society

Our leaders equally need to make the people understand and still have faith in democracy, because when there is extreme hardship like what is happening presently, people will be pushed to the wall

Nigerian politicians enjoying public offices through elective representation and appointments have been advised to take deliberate steps to reduce the current hardship being faced by the people through provision of basic dividends of democracy to the masses as a way of paying back the massive support and votes they have continuously enjoyed for the past 24 years of uninterrupted democracy.

Former Attorney General of the Federation, AGF and Minister of Justice, Mike Aondoakaa who gave the advice during a chat with journalists in Makurdi, after a thanksgiving service to mark his 62nd birthday anniversary put together by members of his family, noted that time has come for those in government positions to pay back to the populace by providing their needs, especially to those of security of lives and property as well as do everything possible to reduce hunger and the extreme cost of commodities especially food items.

“Those in power owe the masses a duty to reduce the hardship Nigerians are facing.

“Our leaders equally need to make the people understand and still have faith in democracy, because when there is extreme hardship like what is happening presently, people will be pushed to the wall and the tendency to react , and that will not be good” Aondoakaa told journalists.

The former minister of justice who equally cleared the misconception in some quarters that dividends of democracy would only be provided by the federal government, noted that if the three tiers of government especially the third tier is giving a free hand to operate independently, the extreme hardship being witnessed would be reduced.

He noted that if the federal government is not chocking up the state, the state should do the same with the local government by not usurping powers of the third tier which is the closest to the local masses that could provide immediate solutions to a greater part of the population, stressing that if this is done, the hardship would be drastically reduced.

The former AGF/ minister of justice who threw his weight behind local government autonomy and the move by president Tinubu, to liberate the local government system, recalled that the Yar’ Adua administration he served under as minister attempted local government autonomy through a legislation but it was challenged by governors up to the supreme court where they secured judgement in their favour, expressing optimism that the Apex court which is both court of policy and justice having witness the hardship people at the third tier are facing, would see the need to allow an independent third tier of government.

He commended president Tinubu, and Governor Alia for their giant strides so far within one year in office but urged them to sleep and think deeply on what they could do to reduce hunger and insecurity, adding that reducing insecurity to some extent would reduce hunger by 85 percent as majority of Nigerians who are no longer going to their farms hence the increased hunger and hardship are predominantly farmers.

Aondoakaa (SAN) who expressed appreciation to God for taking him up to 62, also thank God for giving him a united family, adding that at his new age, he would live a happy life devoid of grudges against anyone, respect for elders in order to live by example for the younger generation to emulate.

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