June 12: Our democracy slipping through our fingers

Inflation has become an insurmountable burden for many. Just a few short weeks ago, a basket of tomatoes could be purchased for 8,000 naira. Today, that same basket costs 36,500 naira

By Moses Okorie

Barrister Nonso Henry Nwaebili, the Labour Party standard bearer for Ogbaru Constituency 2 in Anambra State has said that the very essence of democracy is slipping through the fingers of Nigerians due to the harsh realities of daily survival.

The legal practitioner cum politician said this in a statement he issued on Democracy Day, June 12, where he decry high cost of living especially foodstuff and other communities in the market.

According to him, “On this Democracy Day, a day meant to celebrate the power and voice of the people, we find ourselves shrouded in a cloud of sorrow and despair. The very essence of democracy, which promises freedom, equality, and prosperity, seems to be slipping through our fingers as we grapple with the harsh realities of daily survival.

“Inflation has become an insurmountable burden for many. Just a few short weeks ago, a basket of tomatoes could be purchased for 8,000 naira. Today, that same basket costs 36,500 naira in the North. This staggering increase epitomizes the dire straits we are in. The soaring prices of basic necessities are pushing families into poverty, leaving them unable to afford even the simplest of meals”.

Nonso said it is heartbreaking to witness fellow citizens struggling to make ends meet. Parents who can no longer afford school fees for their children, individuals who must choose between buying food or medicine, and countless others who face a daily battle to survive.

“We call upon our leaders, especially our Governors, to step into our shoes and feel the weight of our suffering. The pain of a mother who cannot feed her children, the frustration of a father who cannot provide for his family, and the anguish of a youth whose dreams are shattered by the harsh economic climate – these are the realities that must be addressed.

“Our leaders must take decisive action to reduce the burden of inflation. They must implement policies that stabilize the economy, control prices, and ensure that the basic needs of every Nigerian are met. Only then can we hope to see a reduction in the high rates of crime that are, in part, driven by desperation and poverty.

“On this Democracy Day, let us not only remember the ideals we strive for but also acknowledge the painful journey we are on. Let us urge our leaders to act with empathy and urgency to alleviate our suffering and restore hope to our nation. In solidarity and hope for a better tomorrow”, he added.

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