Gov Sule’s prudent management of resources will propel greater Nasarawa – Lawmaker

Governor Abdullahi Sule government is working assiduously to fix infrastructure and other projects across the state to improve the lives of the citizens

A member of the Nasarawa State House of Assembly, Hon. Emmanuel Manding, who is also from the All Progressive Congress, APC, has said that Governor Abdullahi Sule’s one year’s performance, sincerity, resilient, prudent management of resources will propel greater Nasarawa.

The lawmaker who stated this Friday while rejoicing with the governor and the entire state over the governor’s one year in office, urged the citizens of Nasarawa to be patient with the state government and President Bola Tinubu’s government in their efforts and resolve to improve the wellbeing of the people,

The House committee chairman on Land and Survey told journalists that Governor Sule government is implementing pragmatic and sustainable reforms for ultimate development of the state in line with the APC mantra stating further that the citizens, political gladiators and government at all levels, must complement each other to bring development to the state and the nation..

According to the former Deputy Chairman of Wamba Local Government Council, “As we celebrate the one year anniversary of Abdullahi Sule-led administration, it behooves on us all in Nasarawa to sustain the support for the ongoing reforms in Nasarawa. The state has a bright future but all hands must be on deck”.

“Governor Abdullahi Sule government is working assiduously to fix infrastructure and other projects across the state to improve the lives of the citizens.

While noting with great concern that the governor’s imprints which could be seen in all facets of the economy, required collective and frantic efforts to change the face of Nasarawa State through the Urban Renewal policy, Manding said the APC government under the leadership of President Bola Tinubu and Governor Abdullahi Sule will no doubt transform the socio-economic status of the State and and Nigeria as well as its citizenry.

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