Kalu condemns attack on soldiers in Aba

insists sit-at-home not in best interest of Ndi Igbo 

Kalu described the killing of the military personnel as unwarranted.

By Deborah Hassan

365Daily  – The Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Benjamin Kalu, has  reacted to the attack on a military check point at Obikabia junction in Ogbor Hill area of Aba, Abia State which reportedly left 4 soilders dead.

In a statement on Thursday, Kalu described the killing of the military personnel while on duty earlier in the day as unwarranted, outrageous, unjust, cruel and absolutely condemnable.

Kalu who represents Bende Federal Constituency of Abia State, stressed that Aba people, known for their enterprising spirit and technical skills, cannot be hoodwinked to think that locking up their shops and closing their businesses to stay at home is in their best interest.

Reminding the people that Aba is the commercial nerve centre of the South East and as such plays host to people from all walks of life, Kalu also urged them not to trade their known hospitality with violence, saying that it is alien to the culture of Ndi Igbo.


He said that while efforts are ongoing to quell the rising wave of insecurity and restore peace in the whole of the South East region through a non kinetic approach championed by Peace In South East (PISE-P), it was unnecessary to engage in acts capable of truncating the gains already made.


The deputy speaker appealed to the people to support the government of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu which has vested unusual interest in the development of the South East, saying that doing otherwise will affect the fortunes of the region.


Suing for peace amongst the people and the Nigerian armed forces across the State, Kalu also commiserated with the families of the victims, assuring the military hierarchy of legislative interventions to help unravel the masterminds of the attack and ensure that the unhealthy development does not reoccur in the future.




Levinus Nwabughiogu, Chief Preas Secretary to the Deputy Speaker, House of Representatives, Federal Republic of Nigeria

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