It has taken me almost a week to muster the energy to put pen to paper since hearing the shocking news of the passing of my dear friend, confidant, compatriot and an uncommon Nigerian, High Chief Raymond Dokpesi
By Saudi Idris
365Daily – Elder statesman and former Military President, General Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida, has expressed shock over the recent passing of the founder of the Africa Independent Television (AIT) and Raypower FM, High Chief Raymond Dokpesi.
The former President popularly known as IBB, described the late media magnet as an uncommon Nigerian, driven by patriotism and conviction.
The General sent his condolences and prayers to the family and management and staff of the media organisations, in a statement in Minna, Niger state on Sunday.
The former President wrote: “It has taken me almost a week to muster the energy to put pen to paper since hearing the shocking news of the passing of my dear friend, confidant, compatriot and an uncommon Nigerian, High Chief Raymond Dokpesi. Up till now, I am still grieving; Raymond has gone to the world beyond. A mishmash of thoughts have been rushing through my mind: what happened? Why now? Why him? Who can replace this great icon of many cherished parts? Too many nagging questions!!
“Our paths crossed in the mid-eighties, when I had just got into government, and freed those people who were bundled into prison without trial by my predecessor. It was then that my path crossed Raymond Dokpesi’s, even though I was part of that military government, my position on the issue was different. He was a bubbling young man with unimpeachable intellect and uncommon courage. Our relationship grew and thereafter blossomed. When he convinced me of the need to liberalise the broadcasting space for private ownership, I couldn’t turn it down despite the fact that some of my military officers were not comfortable with having alternative voice in the media. I assured them that it was a good initiative, that would further promote public participation in government. We granted broadcasting licenses for both Radio and Television to a few people who desired them at the time; and so, RayPower 100 FM and AIT would come to be.

“It was Because Raymond was a man driven by his convictions that his stations came out with a loud bang. Swiftly, AIT and RayPower FM became the toast of Private Broadcasting in Nigeria. They were upbeat. It marked the beginning of opening up the media space in both print and broadcast media in Nigeria. At some point in his trajectory, he approached me about wanting to participate in active politics. He had a burning passion as a patriot that he was, to be one of the disruptors of a system that wasn’t yielding the desired growth and development. He was a man, passionate about his dreams. He was patriotic and optimistic about a greater Nigeria. He was commited and driven by love for nation; much more than any other reason. He believed so strongly that Nigeria has all it takes to be a big player in Africa, nay the world. While I was in government, he was one of my civilian resource persons. His ideas were often didactic and exploratory. Allow him 24hours, and Raymond would come up with an encyclopaedia of ideas and suggestions that one could hardly ignore. He indeed was reservoir of knowledge on so many topics and areas of human endeavour, Raymond Dokpesi was a rare persona that occupied his unique space in life. His passing has been grief to me.
“He was one of those rare Nigerians I often sought political advice from; especially when the issues were complex, and required critical thinking. He was politically astute; he would spend hours with me trying to crack the nuts and dissect political happenings. He was generous at heart and in ideas, fearless, courageous and bold in confronting his “battles”. His sacrifices for friends and associates were measureless. On my 80th, when the IBB Legacy Dialogue debuted, aside from accepting to be the chairman of the occasion, he deployed his AIT Platform for Live Coverage for the several hours of it, without asking to be paid a dime. Also, he stayed through the programme from 10am to 5.30pm. His commitment to friendship is eternal and unshakeable. In 2010, as Director-General of my Presidential Campaign, he discharged his responsibility as though there was no tomorrow. His energy, passion, commitment, diligence, resilience and perseverance to getting results is nonpareil. Raymond Dokpesi, whom I fondly call “High Chief,” lived in a world of his own from where he showed total love for humanity. He lives on.
“Aisha, Muha, Aminu and Halima and the entire Babangida Family, send our heartfelt condolences on this shocking occurrence of Raymond’s death to the Dokpesi family, the great people of Edo State and to all Nigerians. His passing is a huge loss to all of us. His accomplishments would remain as reference points for future generations. I pray that God grant him eternal rest in the hereafter, and I appeal to the Federal and his State Government to immortalise him in recognition of his immeasurable contributions to the development of our country, Nigeria, and the growth of humanity. Adieu, Raymond, my own High Chief. “