Popular music producer, Don Jazzy, has said men needed to be educated not to treat their wives badly because of the bride price paid to secure their hands in marriage.
According to Don Jazzy, disrespecting one’s wife because of the bride price paid is a shallow mindset.
The Musician however, did not state whether the disrespect from such men is a result of the high or low bride price demanded from them before they got married to their wife.
The music producer tweeted, “So apparently some of the men that disrespect and treat their wives like sh*t do so becos they paid some useless bride price. Kai, how do we educate the multitude with this shallow mindset?”
One Twitter user, @iam_jaycheqs, whose profile says “women are not properties,” shared her opinion, saying “the bride price tradition needs to go.” According to her, “It holds no water in this modern time and age.”
She added, “What is the purpose? And why won’t a man feel like he owns a person after paying for her?”
She got a reaction from @oncle_thereal who said, “Like Don said, people need to be educated. Culture should not be lost or sacrificed on the altar of modernization. The culture of paying bride price in itself isn’t wrong or bad. It’s the individual mindset that makes things seem wrong. Hence, educating people better.”

@ini61211167 who joined Don Jazzy’s comment section said, “As I’m talking right now, someone is in the village and they’re saying the bride price is 1M naira. I mean right now, just got off the phone with his mum. They know he doesn’t have this money, his in-law has taken a seat far away telling the boy to discuss with his kinsmen smh.”
@owhonda_henry’s case is similar to what @ini61211167 described above. He said, “While I don’t condone any such maltreatment against women, let us start by eradicating the very high bride price, especially in Igbo land. I went to Ngwa to marry and they shocked me by giving a list that cost 1,050.000. I am just sad and confused.”
@ItzMimiLSD stated that the men Don Jazzy spoke of want their wife to worship them because of the bride price they paid.
She said, “This set of men actually didn’t grow with love, they have some stupid ego in them, they feel the woman owes them the whole world just bcuz they paid some silly bride price. This is usually common among men who are still struggling to fit into the ‘middle family’.”
She added, “And then they spend lots of money during the marriage rites so they just keep reminding the woman of how much they paid as bride price and the huge amount of money they spent traditionally to the direct family of the bride. They feel the woman should worship them.”