Sometimes in this windy journey called life, there comes a time when you rejoice over what ordinarily everyone else consider a setback. Like the deja vu I experienced recently over the fact that I’m yet to own a physical shop. Oh my God, OMG!
Like, how messed up can one’s day be? Indeed, how unpleasable can one person be to check through 650 pieces of T-shirts, yet not find just one – I mean like ‘ONE’ that you like – from the lot?
In fact, following a recent experience, I’ve decided to stop people coming to my crib to check for T-Shirts. Even if you live opposite me, my dear, follow protocol and place an order, make we deliver am come give you; I don’t mind rendering free delivery services.🙄🙄

It so happened that this fella had been pestering me with requests of coming over to check out my shirts and all of that. He even went further to regale me with boasts of how when he has time, he will come over to, not just check for real stuff, but also ensure he patronises me and because he lives not just within my neck of the hood, but attends same church as I do.
Early one morning, Baba (should be in his early 60s) called to repeat same thing he says whenever he sees me; he will come within the week to check for some shirts. I replied in the usual manner, “Okay, whenever you are ready, sir.”
Somehow, my hunch made it quite a task taking this guy seriously, because as far as I was concerned, he was a mere talker, not a doer.
So imagine my pleasant surprise when I was roused from my mid-morning nap which I indulge in after my morning runs. My phone had rang persistently, forcing me to pick up, and lo and behold, Baba was on the other end, asking if I was home. I quickly answered in the affirmative.
No do, no do, Baba dey my door.
First set of T-shirts, well over 350 pieces, Baba talks and talks and talks. “Ah, this one is fine o, but this dot…Ah, why dem use this colour write the name na…Kai, assuming this one no big I for take am.”
He continued, “I wan follow you buy oo, I like your stuff,…..You get plenty market oo, ….My cousin dey sell this same thing, but I never buy from am because I never see wetin I like,…Na this T-shirt line I dey before OK,… I need clothes, I wan buy plenty cloth o.”
Baba almost talked me to death and ends up proclaiming, “Assuming I see that one wey you sell for gekdkdhtgv, I for like am.”

Inside of me, I muttered, say no more, and went inside to fetch same exact one he had mentioned I sold to someone.
Not puzzled, Baba retorts, “Yes, na this one! I wish say i fit see my size of T-shirts, honestly i wan buy, na to just do transfer.”
I proceeded to bring another bag of yet unopened and unsampled t-shirts, numbering no less than 300 pieces.
Bros excitedly goes to work, checking one after another, until finally he arrives at a curious verdict, “E be like say person go go start to gym again o.”
Then, with a cold stare, Baba asks if there was another bag available.
😡 😡 At this point, I was tempted to ask him to go, but, professionalism!
Flustered, I managed to offer a very weak “no”, yet, he still had the effrontery to request me to let him know when next I bring ‘new stock’.
I kept quiet in a determined bid to trap the venom fighting to come out of my churning stomach as reply. He then attempted to help me fold the ‘rejected’ tees, but I deftly declined his offer for help.😫
He waltzed out of my house without buying a single shirt. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Why stress me, I wondered aloud.
Who did I offend today???
And to add to my misfortune, I vividly recalled that I was on the verge of collecting a car key before he rudely interrupted my nap earlier in the day. Honestly, to say that I was really pained would be an understatement.
Now, for those of you that do your business in stores, is this what you encounter?
Nah, nah, i fittent!
Now, who will fold all these clothes, I muttered under my breath.
Gosh! Indeed, some mothers (customers) do have a way of unnerving one.